Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Thanksgiving is the most American of holidays. I mean, what other holiday has the food, the booze, and the sports like this one? The excessive eating is funny because in a lot of places, they don't have food. In other places, their food sources are limited. Name a country that has a sports day like this? What's impressive is that it's one sport that carries us through the day. The culmination of food, booze, and sports are just unmatched by any other holiday.
We go all out to honor the coming together of the Native Americans (notice I didn't use Indians, that's offensive to us Indians) and the Pilgrims. Or do we? Do we even think of these things? Perhaps not. Perhaps we think of what we're thankful for. Perhaps that's enough, but perhaps we should be thankful for the Native Americans and Pilgrims; we wouldn't have Thanksgiving without them.