Normally, I don't fuck with fashion, but watching The Grammys last night has set me off.
Look at the above picture. When did it become fashionable to look weird? When was it acceptable to come out looking like an alien dinosaur baby freak? When was it okay to wear christmas decorations as a dress? And what the hell is Nicky Minaj wearing?
Are we in a time where it's more important to make a statement than exhibit class, style, and sexiness? I remember back in my day, Jennifer Lopez wore this dress and it was sexy.
Is that the most clean conservative dress ever? No. The colors are kind of garish, but the style was risque. She was pushing standards and flaunting what her mama gave her. That was the main purpose of award show fashion. To find new ways to flaunt your body. Instead, it's about drawing attention to yourself wearing these outrageous costumes.
I mean let's be truthful, it's working. People are talking about these artists today. Though, it's not for what it should be: their music. They're not talking about how beautiful some of them are, but rather how crazy they must have been to wear what they did.
But what do I know about fashion? May be I'm just old school. May be I'm just that old man who doesn't appreciate these things. I just think these women are drawing attention to themselves like attention whores rather than for their music. That's what The Grammys are supposed to be celebrating right?