Monday, March 5, 2012

Bracketology: The Wire

Without getting into the characters that were left out of the bracket, like Slim Charles and Carver, I'll try and go through and fill my bracket. Let's not waste time here:

West Baltimore Region:
I've got Omar over Ziggy. This is really a no brainer, although Ziggy Sobotka is much easier to take on the second watch, Omar is The Wire. He's one of the best characters that's been on TV. Chris Partlow versus Dennis "Cutty" Wise is a tough one, but Cutty has one of my favorite quotes:

"The game, it ain't in me no more."
So I'd take Cutty over Partlow. Snoop versus D'Angelo is also a tough one. Snoop is a part of the Stanfield crew, who I generally did not like. D'Angelo is mentally weak and breaks down when he finds out that Stringer killed Wallace. Snoop wins this match up. Michael Lee is my favorite character from the crew of young uns. He demolishes Cheese, even though Cheese has this brilliant quote: 
Omar takes down Cutty and Michael Lee takes down Snoop, just like he did in the show. In the regional final, I have Michael Lee over Omar. Shocker? May be. Michael Lee becomes the Omar type renegade outcast at the end of the show. Take what you will out of that.

Hamsterdam Region:
Brother Mouzone is one of the best minor characters in television. Bunk Moreland is fucking Bunk Moreland:
Let's just say Bunk is one of my favorites to win this thing. He's a smooth talker and a ladies' man with a drinking problem. He's the man. 

Maurice Levy is one of the least likable characters in The Wire, but he's supposed to be that way. He's a sleazy lawyer. Wallace is a bitch who snitches (snitches get stitches). He clearly isn't ready for the world of drug trafficking. Levy takes this one. 

McNulty versus Daniels is a big mismatch for me. Daniels is one of my absolute least favorite characters on the show. I hate fifth season McNulty, but for most of the show, McNulty is the man. Furthermore, he pulls the hottest piece of ass on the entire show, Theresa D'Agostino:
McNulty wins that handily. 

Clay Davis versus Bubbles is a tough one because I don't like these characters much either. Bubbles is a smooth talking snitch. Davis is a corrupt politician. The winner between the two is pretty easy though:

Clay Davis wins.

In regional semis, Bunk defeats Levy and McNulty takes down Clay Davis, like he couldn't on the show. That gets us to Bunk versus McNulty in the region's final, partners. 
Bunk dominates for being sane.

The Ports Region:
Avon Barksdale, played by Wood Harris, is one of the realest characters on the show. Roland Pryzbylewski is an incompetent cop turned teacher. Barksdale takes this first round match up easily.

As Kenard says, "Dukie fight like a bitch." Meanwhile, Carcetti is a successful white politician in a black city. Do you have any idea how hard that is to do? Carcetti for Mayor! For governor! For bracket buster?

I have Sergei "Boris" Malatov defeating Bunny Colvin. Sergei is a bad man. Prop Joe takes down Frank Sobotka. In the semis, I have Avon over Carcetti and Prop Joe over Boris.

In the basketball game between the East side and the West side, Prop Joe saves his ringer for the second half after they've upped the wager. The West side wins the basketball game. In this match up, Avon wins. Period. No propositions to be made Prop Joe. You lose.

East Baltimore Region:
Stringer Bell is a great character and beloved by many, but not this guy. He's a drug dealer, but he's not street. He has no spine. He doesn't understand the game.
He's not hard enough for the game, not smart enough to be legit. Herc on the other hand, he's awesome:
Herc takes down Stringer Bell in a first round upset. Wee-Bay is a stand up dude who takes a million murder charges. Lester Freemon is a great detective, but also helps McNulty get his case against Marlo in the fifth season. You've got to give that match up to Wee-Bay. 

Bodie Broadus versus William Rawls is a joke. Bodie is like that top seeded team that got overlooked. He destroys Rawls in this. Stanfield versus Kima is very interesting as well. I don't like either of these two characters very much. I'll give it to Marlo. 

The top of this bracket is weak, but you've got to give it to Herc. Unlike the show, Bodie takes down Marlo and Bodie takes down Herc to take the region. 

Final Four:
In the Final Four, I have Michael Lee versus Bunk Moreland and Avon Barksdale against Bodie Broadus.

I like Mike Lee a lot because he's true with his friends, a stand up dude, and a gangster. He doesn't let people push him around and he takes care of his crew and his lil bro. Bunk's virtues have already been stated. He's so quotable: 
I've got to give this one to Bunk, to advance to the finals.

The other match up is tough. Avon and Bodie are two of my favorites in the Barksdale crew. They're very similar too in their outlook. I relate more to Bodie as a growing adolescent though, so I have to give it to Bodie. Bodie also has the best death scene in the entire show: 
Bunk versus Bodie in the finals. This is still a tough call, but I think you've got to give it to Bunk.

Bunk Moreland, Champion of The Wire.