Friday, August 5, 2011

Michelle Bachmann Overdrive

The WSJ had an interesting front page piece on Michelle Bachmann. For the most part, it focuses on her positives:
But here in Iowa, the tough rhetoric is sheathed in a soft presentation. Ms. Bachmann hugs, dances and offers girl talk on the campaign trail—"That's a rockin' shirt!"—as if baking her steely conservatism into a warm apple pie.
But it also, highlights some of her faults as well:
"I found out real fast that the Michele I knew publicly is not the behind-the-scenes Michele," said Ron Carey, who was hired as Ms. Bachmann's staff chief last year and says he quit less than six months later. Mr. Carey said that Ms. Bachmann was consumed with getting herself on television and seemed indifferent to the task of tending to her district, a view expressed by more than half a dozen other former aides.
While she may appeal to many socially conservatively individuals:
Ms. Bachmann's supporters say they are energized by her stances against abortion rights, gay marriage and government bailouts.
She clearly lacks the experience to be commander-in-chief.

Furthermore, her interests seem to be driven more by personal ambition than anything else. That's what bothers me with politicians more than anything else. I think this part is a good example:
For months, Mr. Carey said, the staff tried to get Ms. Bachmann to stop saying in speeches that Mr. Obama had added more to the federal debt load than all other presidents combined. "It was simply not true, and yet I could never get her to drop that line," he said.
You can't stretch the truth to win votes in my book. I understand speaking negatively about the opposing party's leader because it does help rally your constituency and supporters, but lying is simply not something I support at all.

I don't know how the Republican race is going to play out. I'm concerned that we will have another election where the best candidate to lead our country will not be in the race. No one in the race thus far has really inspired confidence in me.

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