Saturday, September 11, 2010

Worse Video

What's more embarrassing for the school?

The immaculately bad:

Or the equally awful:

Is there high drug use at Catholic schools or something?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How About Better Transportation Resources?

Obama wants to improve roads and infrastructure:
Obama will tout proposals to improve roads and infrastructure during a campaign trip to Ohio, but that message was largely eclipsed by a renewed political battle over tax cuts for wealthy Americans set to expire at the end of this year.
I personally think it's a waste because I've seen a road near my house that was dug up and redone several times over the past year. Why don't we just have better alternative forms of transportation. In this day and age, there should be no excuse for not having cities with modern transportation such as a subway. Plus commuter trains would help ease access to urban jobs and reduce automobile usage. I feel strongly that we need to increase these alternative transportation resources. It's so easy to get around in Europe. Why is it so hard here?

He also wants to continue the tax cuts for people making less than $200,000, but not for people making more:
"We strongly believe that a healthy, vibrant, economically viable middle class is key to economic recovery and we strongly support the extension of tax cuts to the middle class," an administration official told reporters ahead of Obama's trip.

"But it's also true that we don't have 700 billion additional dollars to borrow to pay for tax cuts that essentially will go to millionaires," he added.

"Saving that $700 billion and applying that to the deficit is a much better use of that money."
Meanwhile, people are still struggling to get jobs. There's no job growth. How are people supposed to pay these taxes without jobs? Additionally, how is the government going to cut spending if it has to continue supporting these people. This is just a disgraceful situation.

Viva La Revolucion?

Workers in both Paris and London have taken to the streets, protesting job losses and cut pensions:
In Paris, more than one million workers marched against President Nicolas Sarkozy’s plan to raise the retirement age from 60 to 62, the centrepiece of his reform agenda.

Labour unions called for the showdown over the pensions bill, which Mr. Sarkozy insists he will push through as an “absolute priority” and which was presented to a stormy session in parliament even as the marches continued.
London has similar problems:
On the other side of the English Channel, millions of commuters struggled to get to work as a 24-hour strike by workers on London’s underground rail system crippled much of the network.

People took to bikes, buses, walked, or made use of extra boat services on the River Thames in a bid to beat the stoppage, called in protest to 800 job cuts.
I can't imagine how bad it is to get around London without the Tube.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Fight at US Open

I think the woman was in the wrong. If she was so offended by his language, she should have gotten security. She shouldn't have confronted him and slapped him. Those people who rushed at him after too were also in the wrong and so was the old man. Guy wasn't trying to do anything and they were attacking him. I want to know what Bill Burr has to say about this.