Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Gingrich Is Not The Guy

When I look at a candidate, I look first at electability. Is the candidate electable? That's the first thing I look for. If the candidate isn't electable, then what's the point of supporting him or her? They are a losing dog and there's no point in having a stake in their fate.

This might sound very cynical or depressing, in terms of the state of our politics, but it's true.

I don't know think I mentioned it in my previous posts, but perhaps I did on Twitter; I thought that Newt Gingrich would be a dark horse candidate. Of course, I didn't know that much about him. I just thought he performed well in the debates. My biggest qualm, at the time, was his utter disdain for the media.

A couple months later, it seems like he has leapt to the front of the pack. 
This is mostly due to the fall of Herman Cain. Conservatives have been looking for a candidate that wasn't Mitt Romney. Newt Gingrich is just the latest cup of tea.

On a national level, against Barack Obama, I don't think he can stand tall. There are too many issues with him. There's the "consulting fees." There's the divorces. He's too easy a target for the Democrats. While the conservatives might be clamoring for a more conservative candidate than Romney, they're going to have problems standing up in a general election.

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