Monday, January 18, 2010

Showdown: Massachusetts Senator

Tomorrow, Massachusetts will hold a special election to elect a new senator after the passing of the late Ted Kennedy. The process has been a heated battle between Scott Brown and Martha Coakley. It appears now that Massachusetts might have its first Republican senator in a long time.

A week ago, Rasmussen had Coakley ahead:
A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in the state finds Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley attracting 49% of the vote while her Republican rival, state Senator Scott Brown, picks up 47%.
However, in the past week, Coakley has pretty much committed every single political blunder possible. Here is one such example:
She called Curt Schilling a Yankee fan. I don't know how you can say something so asinine. Every since, Curt has been ripping on her:
If we elect Coakley, or if enough people vote to get her into office, we’re going to get exactly what we deserve as a nation. A bankrupt country footing the bill for a health care plan so full of pork it oinks, that we can’t afford by the way, and MASSIVE cuts to medicare and medicaid that will seriously impede medical services for senior citizens.

Massachusetts can change it all in 5 days.
Brown has made up ground and looks like he will pull off the upset. This should be fun to watch. I got my popcorn ready.

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