Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I Hate Bureaucracy

So I spent most of the mornings waiting in lines. I've ranted about waiting in lines, but what is the cause of all these lines? It's called bureaucracy.

Bureaucracy wastes so much time. We want to know why the productivity in this country has gone down, I attribute it greatly to bureaucracy. How the fuck is anyone supposed to get anything done when they have to wait in lines for...ever? This is the case in a lot of place, the registry of motor vehicles, the courts, even now the airports.

I don't think we should be made to wait for things. We have things to do. I'm not talking about me, I have nothing to do, but other people have shit to do. How are people supposed to make ends meet when they can't put in their hours because they're stuck in line?

I was at the RMV today. It was the worst. It wasn't just the lines that killed me, it was the people who were there. The place smelled like stale urine. It was disgusting. I know Massachusetts recently had a water ban, but that doesn't excuse people from taking showers. The place fucking wreaked.

Additionally, I didn't feel comfortable there. There were too many immigrants, too many poor people, too many obese people. We need to segregate our RMVs. I did not feel safe in the RMV. It had nothing to do with race, there were people of all races there. It was just the culmination of all the factors. I'm a minority, but I don't feel like a minority most of the time I'm in public. When I was in the RMV, I felt like a minority. That's not right.

This is America: where no one should feel like a minority.


  1. It's unfortunate Massachusetts hasn't embraced getting the majority of paperwork done online to allow for an express type line at the DMV. Unfortunately your wait means perhaps too few government workers at the DMV. And this is just shit we have to deal with if we're gonna operate a 4000 lb piece of metal moving at 85 mph after consuming a few drinks.

    As far as your critique of society and the masses: In the old days the unproductive members of society died off from disease and starvation. The capable/productive reproduced to improve the human race and continuing to advance civilization. We have since hit a wall in the advancement of civilization with the massive welfare state, bureaucracy comes along with this. We're subsidizing the unproductive class to have more and more babies and weight down the entire system.

    This is why modern liberalism is downright destroying our country. The push for greater debt and more subsidies in recent years has pushed our economy into what may become either a near-perma recession, with little to no practical way out, or toward broad scale deflation of our currency due to destructive social and fiscal policy.

  2. Couldn't agree with you more Professor Brickberry. They're not just weighing us down from a figurative sense, but weighing us down from a physical stand point. Fat people are poor. These people are the ones that are driving up the cost of healthcare because they are unhealthy. Then you have presidents like Obama who want to give these people more and more, and these people are just plain fat cats. They are given all these benefits and they don't do anything.

    We ask if the system is broken. It's not broken, it's just plain wrong. We need to go back to the Darwinist system of survival of the fittest. We need to challenge our citizens to survive, not help them to survive. Our country was the best because so many people desired to be better, to survive. Now we're trying to let everyone survive. We are undermining basic biological principles.

    How is humanity supposed to advance if we're keeping around the weak?

  3. Good points on obesity and healthcare. Excellent. You're a smart guy, really enjoy following this site.

    You should have a post to link to some of your favorite internet sites -

  4. This is the only site I frequent, Professor. Even Shep reads Shep's Universe.
